Friday 19 September 2014

Work Diary

Our fifth lesson was depth, for depth you have to show how things get smaller as they get further away from you. I found this task very difficult as initially I didn't understand the task however once the task was explained to me and I knew fully what I was taking photos of I found it slightly easier, however by then, lots of time had been wasted and I did not have much time to take depth photos. also once I started depth photos my cameras battery died which meant even more time was wasted.

This was one of my depth photos. I think this photo is effective because as the drain gets further away, it gets smaller.  I also think this is effective because I have used a low angle and this has show the depth very well. I think this is also centred very well so that the drain is almost central. To improve this photo I need to straighten the image horizontally to make it straight and I will also crop the top of the image so the people aren't as visible.

This is another one of my death photos, in this photo I have taken the photo down my own legs, I think this shows depth because my feet look very small in comparison to the tops of my legs and my feet are slightly out of focus. I also like the composition of this image and how I have not taken this photo straight down and have taken it at an angle because it makes it very unique. To improve this image I could make the image sharper to make the colours more vivid as I feel that this is slightly dull. 

To improve my depth study I will go out again and take more images because I do not have a very wide range and I would also use different areas such as a park as I think this would show death very well, for example if I took an image up or down a slide it would show depth. I could also change the settings on my camera as I feel that the colour of all of my images are quite dull. 

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